Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals

NHS Foundation Trust

Sat Sep 12 2009

Gynaecology Outpatients

The Gynaecology outpatients department operates from Clinic 4 and 5 at Peterborough District Hospital, clinic appointments are mainly offered between 9:00am and 5:30pm, Monday to Friday.

Peterborough District Hospital has designated parking for the use of patients and relatives at the front of the hospital and refreshments are available at the coffee shop and main Restaurant.

We have eight Gynaecology Consultants who have particular areas of interest and responsibility, including gynae-oncology, infertility, the investigation of post menopausal bleeding and the treatment of endometriosis.

The department is also able to offer some minor surgical procedures in our treatment room including Hysteroscopy and the insertion of the Mirena coil.

There are specialists nurses working closely with the consultants to provide access to infertility, oncology and colposcopy services.

In addition there is also close collaberation with other healthcare professionals as appropriate, including the dietician, physiotherapist and continence advisor for woman's health, along with the specialist urodynamic investigation team led by a senior radiographer.


 Staff name Job title
 Dr R Moshy Consultant Radiologist
 Sally Eglin Ward Sister
 Celia Doody Deputy Sister
 Tracey Hydes Deputy Sister
 Tracey Sansby Deputy Sister
  Healthcare Assistant from Ward 6X
  SHO from Ward 6X (rotational)
  Consultant Gynaecologist (rotational)
 Janice Naylor Assistant General Manager
 Bev Spencer Matron
 Alison Chisnell Ward Clerk
 Lisa Schiavone Ward Clerk Assistant
 Urodynamic team 
 Staff nameJob title
 Wendy Sturman Senior radiographer
 Chris Phillips Senior staff nurse
 Mollie Edwards HCA / radiology assistant
 Associated with department
 Jane Dixon Physiotherapist
 Debbie Orbsan Continence advisor